- the conclusion

Shlomi Fish on 2006-04-04T15:03:42

Well, after my previous post about, I took the advice of some of the people who commented, and started my own development line where I fixed some bugs that I found in the request tracker. A few days ago I contacted Graham Barr (who originated informed him of my branch and the original discussion and asked him to make me a co-maintainer. Yesterday, he replied, and said he did exactly that.

So I uploaded Error-0.15005 to CPAN, and it now can be found in Initially there was a problem, where Barr made me a co-maintainer only of the "Error" package and not of "Error::Simple", and "Error::subs", which are also supplied by the distribution, but he remedied that. (Distribution authors should make sure to make their co-maintainers have co-maintainership of all the packages that are contained in the CPAN distribution, to prevent such problems).

I'll release Error-0.16 after a few more Error-0.15\d\d\d releases, which will fix the remaining problems as reported in the request tracker queue. I hope there won't be any problems for me to close the bugs there. If you have any bug reports or suggestions for new features don't hesitate to put it there and I'll deal with it.

Happy Erroring!

Glad it worked out

bart on 2006-04-05T10:23:34

I'm glad you've got things resolved in a satisfactionary manner in just a few days time. I don't use myself, but I sincerely hope people who do care for it, test it out, and offer you valuable feedback. Or at least, test it out and be happy about it. :)

In the end, we all win by that.

Re:Glad it worked out

Shlomi Fish on 2006-04-05T17:09:40
